The album-matching folio to their debut release, containing the hit single ‘Creep,’ one of the first major smashes of alternative rock. Titles are: You * Creep * How Do You? * Stop Whispering * Thinking About You * Anyone Can Play Guitar * Ripcord * Vegetable * Prove Yourself * I Can’t * Lurgee * Blow Out.
Radiohead: Pablo Honey
Categorías: Guitarra eléctrica - acústica, Música popular
Autor: RadioheadEditorial: Faber music [AP]
Dimensiones | 30,5 × 23 × 1 cm |
ISBN: | 9780571531776 |
Páginas: | 87 |
Código editor: | 12-0571531776 |
Formato: | Partitura |
Dificultad: | Ninguna |
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