My First Grieg contains a selection of the easier to moderately difficult lyric pieces from Op. 12, 38, 43, 47, 54, 68 and 71 as well as three pieces from the Peer Gynt Suites Op. 46 and 55. Including the famous “Morning Mood” in the original duet version by the composer. Ideal for music lessons and for playing at home. Great works for little masters!
Aus «Lyrische Stücke» / From «Lyric Pieces»:
Arietta, op. 21
Walzer / Waltz, op. 12/2
Wächterlied / Watchman’s Song, op. 12/3
Elfentanz / Fairy Dance, op. 12/4
Norwegisch / Norwegian, op. 12/6
Albumblatt / Album Leaf, op. 12/7
Vaterländisches Lied / National Song, op. 12/8
Kobold / Puck, op. 71/3
Volksweise / Folksong, op. 38/2
Springtanz / Leaping Dance, op. 38/5
Walzer / Waltz, op. 38/7
Schmetterling / Butterfly, op. 43/1
Einsamer Wanderer / Solitary Traveller, op. 43/2
Melodie /Melody, op. 47/3
Notturno, op. 54/4
Matrosenlied / Sailors’ Song, op. 68/1
Nachklänge / Remembrances, op. 71/7
Aus «Peer Gynt» / From «Peer Gynt»:
Morgenstimmung / Morning Mood, op. 46/1 (vierhändig / four Hands)
Åses Tod / The Death of Åse, op. 46/2
Solveigs Lied / Solveig’s Song, op. 55/4