‘El objetivo de Neumann es la combinación de diseño creativo imaginativo con una formación técnica profunda’ (pd, Musikprisma) ‘La escuela de violín se muestra como una colección de material que permite al profesor escoger, con gran libertad, el repertorio más adecuado para sus alumnos'(Katharina Künstler, ESTA-Nachrichten)
In her violin method, Eva-Maria Neumann introduces a concept that addresses every type of beginner and that is enormously varied and imaginative. «I am particularly interested in combining fantasy-filled, creative interpretation with a well-grounded technical basis.» It is up to the teacher to determine which didactic and methodical steps should be taken. In addition to the great variety of material for one to four violins, often with piano accompaniment, there are questions, quizzes, puzzles and performance suggestions that lighten the pedagogical approach. One can truly feel the solid, motivating experience of the violin teacher behind Pia Eisenbarth’s lovingly drawn illustrations and the author’s lively texts: «Dear student – you want to play the violin. You’ve chosen a wonderful instrument, but it’s not the easiest one to play.»